Popular South Indian actress Lakshmi Rai, who has grabbed the No. 1 position among Malayalam heroines after the mega-blockbuster To Harihar Nagar, seems to be the favourite heroine of Malayalam super star Mammootty!
After romancing Mammootty in two films (super hit Annan Thambi and average Parunthu), Lakshmi Rai will now be his heroine for the third time in director Shafi's forthcoming action comedy Chattambinadu, scripted by Benny P. Nayarambalam.
Starring Mammootty in the role of Veerendra Mallaya, a Karnataka-based Malayalee estate owner with a Kannada accent, the film will start rolling on September 9 in and around Pollachi. Produced by Mammootty's recently-launched production company Play House, Chattambinadu will a Christmas release.