Simbu-What's the secret??

simbu in Silambattam

Actor Simbu is locked up most of the time in his room. He shuns TV interviews and public appearances. When he arrives at the Silambattam film shooting, he gets out of the car only after making sure no on is watching him. He takes care that no one photographs him. Sometimes he hides his face with a handkerchief. Reason - the new getup that he has donned for the movie Silambattam. Not that this getup is making the chirpy hero self-conscious but the reason of all this stealth is to keep the “surprise factor” about the getup alive till the film hits the screen. These days, the people who are indispensable for the film’s shooting are the only ones who can see him. But they all have vowed to keep his secret.

The only news about this getup hidden from people who have seen him is that he sports a moustache, a mixture of horseshoe style and French moustache. That is, the moustache curls up at the ends and at the same time some part of the moustache points downwards. Now that sounds intriguing!!! Sure, no filmgoer has seen such a getup. Though it might sound little awkward to some, it is said that from the way it has been cut and formed, it will sure look good on the screen and have many young men aping the same look!

Simbu’s penchant for appearing in different getups and enthralling the audience is not new.

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